Privacy policy

Privacy notice for parent clients

1.1. The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant who is also known as ‘get secondary ready.’ The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant and training provider who works primarily supporting school leaders; parents and young people in their area of specialism which is KS2-3 transition.

1. Who are we?

1.1. The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant who is also known as ‘get secondary ready.’ The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant and training provider who works primarily supporting school leaders; parents and young people in their area of specialism which is KS2-3 transition.

The Inclusion Advisor’s registered address is 25 Beaufort Rd. Morecambe. LA4 6TZ. UK.

1.2. Get Secondary Ready is a subsidiary of The Inclusion Advisor and adheres to all of our policies.

1.3. The Inclusion Advisor is committed to protecting your privacy and security. This policy explains how and why we use your personal data, to ensure you remain informed and in control of your information. The Inclusion Advisor is registered with the IPC, Reference: ZB647783.

2. Questions?

2.1. Any questions you have in relation to this policy or how we use your personal data should be sent to with the subject line “Privacy” or addressed to the Privacy Lead, 25 Beaufort Rd. Morecambe. LA4 6TZ.

3. The regulations

3.1. Your rights are:

  • To be informed on what information we hold (as set out in this document)
  • To see the information, we hold about you or your child
  • To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information
  • To withdraw consent to us using your personal data
  • To request your personal information be erased (although we can decline

whilst the information is needed for us to practise lawfully and competently).

3.2. Please read through this policy and if you are happy to give your consent to how we will be collecting, storing and sharing your data please sign and return to us, retaining one copy for your own records.

3.3. Please note that names are never used in notes, records for each client/child will be given a code. The Inclusion Advisor keeps anonymised data in order to monitor the outcomes of the service.

4. What information we will collect about you or your child

4.1. General

  • Name
  • Biological sex and gender (or preferred identity)
  • Age of child
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Ethnicity
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Pupil Premium
  • Special Educational Needs

4.2. Relevant to bespoke consultation work/coaching

  • Date of birth
  • You or your child’s presenting difficulties
  • Medical conditions and GP Information
  • Prescribed medication
  • School Attendance history
  • Names of school attended
  • Therapeutic history
  • Attainment Data & Progress

5. What documents we will hold on you or your child

5.1. Contact information / client code
5.2. Contract / agreement
5.3. Brief session notes
5.4. Images / drawings / artwork if produced in sessions
5.5 GDPR agreement

How will this information be stored?

6.2. Electronic documents:

  • Any files / images kept on The Inclusion Advisor’s computers/devices will be password protected. Devices used by The Inclusion Advisor are also password protected.
  • Any digital reports or similar sent to The Inclusion Advisor for the purpose of advisory consultation that are required to be retained will not be stored on any ‘cloud based’ storage and will also be password protected. Cloud based storage will be used for internal documentation but client details will be anonymised and files will be password protected.
  • Client phone numbers may be stored on The Inclusion Advisor’s phone but under your code rather than your name. This is so I can contact you in case of the very unusual event that I need to change appointments at short notice.
  • Your email address and correspondence will be stored securely on the Inclusion Advisor’s electronic database. Your email address will be used for communication regarding the service you have purchased and also for promotion of additional relevant services. No third party communication will be sent.
  • If I need to or you require The Inclusion Advisor to send you an email that includes confidential information then this will be password protected and I will send you the password either in a separate email or by text
  • If you need to leave me a message on my mobile phone this will be deleted immediately once I have listened to it.

Who I will share your information with:

7.1. In emergencies

In keeping with my confidentiality / safeguarding policy, if I feel you or your child are at risk of harm I may share your contact information with a safeguarding partner (e.g Children/adults’ services) or emergency healthcare services (e.g. Mental Health Crisis Team, GP). This will wherever possible be done only with your consent. If I become aware you are / or are intending /at risk of causing harm to another person/organisation the law may require that I inform an authority without seeking your consent.

7.2. Data Sharing

As an Organisation who provides services to parents in respect of their child’s schooling, there may be times where you request that The Inclusion Advisor liaises with your child’s school or the Local Authority. I will only do this with your consent.

8. Erasing your information

8.1. When we have finished working with you or your child , we will erase electronic copies of your information and correspondence within 3 months. We will hold onto your written / electronic notes that are relevant to the work for up to 4 years. This is so we have a reference of you or your child’s work in situations such as you returning to our service at a later transition point. After this time, I will shred the written information and delete any files held on my computer.

Privacy notice for school/professional clients

This statement explains how The Inclusion Advisor fulfils their obligations in respect of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which affect the way in which your data is collected, stored and shared. The intention is to give everyone clearer rights to Data Protection.

1. Who are we?

1.1. The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant who is also known as ‘get secondary ready.’ The Inclusion Advisor is an educational consultant and training provider who works primarily supporting school leaders; parents and students in their area of specialism which is KS2-3 transition.

The Inclusion Advisor’s registered address is 25 Beaufort Rd, Morecambe. LA4 6TZ. UK.

1.2. Get Secondary Ready is a subsidiary of The Inclusion Advisor and adheres to all
of our policies.

1.3. The Inclusion Advisor is committed to protecting your privacy and security. This policy explains how and why we use your data, to ensure you remain informed and in control of your information. The Inclusion Advisor is registered with the IPC, Reference: ZB647783.

2. Questions?

2.1. Any questions you have in relation to this policy or how we use your personal data should be sent to with the subject line “Privacy” or addressed to the Privacy Lead, 25 Beaufort Rd. Morecambe. LA4 6TZ.

3. The regulations

3.1. Your rights are:

  • To be informed on what information we hold (as set out in this document)
  • To see the information, we hold about you
  • To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information
  • To withdraw consent to us using any personal data
  • To request your personal information be erased (although we can decline

whilst the information is needed for us to practise lawfully and competently).

3.2. Please read through this policy and if you are happy to give your consent to
how we will be collecting, storing and sharing your data please sign and return to
us, retaining one copy for your own records.

3.3. Please note that names are never used in notes, records for each client/child
will be given a code. The Inclusion Advisor keeps anonymised data in order to
monitor the outcomes of the service.

4. What information we will collect about you and your school

4.1. General

  • Link staff names and school contact details
  • School name, telephone number, Email addresses
  • NOR

4.2. Relevant to bespoke consultation work/coaching:

  • Demographic profile of the school. Possibly including:
  • Ethnicity
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Pupil Premium
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Attainment Data & Progress
  • Attendance Data

5. What documents we will hold on you or your school

5.1. Contact information / SLA
5.2. Contract / agreement /SLA
5.3. Brief session notes
5.4. GDPR agreement

6. How will this information be stored?

6.1. Paper documents:

  • We will allocate you or your school a unique client code for which all of your school’s – information will be recorded under (for example AQHS/24)
  • All paper documents will be stored in a lockable filing cabinet on the registered address. This will be filed under your school code
  • Any research / diagnostic / evaluation forms and reports will only have your client code recorded and will be filed with your client notes.

6.2. Electronic documents:

  • Any files / images kept on The Inclusion Advisor’s computers/devices will be password protected. Devices used by The Inclusion Advisor are also password protected.
  • Any digital reports or similar sent to The Inclusion Advisor for the purpose of advisory consultation that are required to be retained will not be stored on any ‘cloud based’ storage and will also be password protected. Cloud based storage will be used for internal documentation but client details will be anonymised and files will be password protected.
  • Client phone numbers may be stored on The Inclusion Advisor’s phone but under your code rather than your name. This is so I can contact you in case of the very unusual event that I need to change appointments at short notice.
  • Your email address and correspondence will be stored securely on my electronic database. Your email address will be used for communication regarding the service you have purchased and also for promotion of additional relevant services. No third party communication will be sent.
  • If I need to or you require The Inclusion Advisor to send you an email that includes confidential information then this will be password protected and I will send you the password either in a separate email or by text.
  • If you need to leave me a message on my mobile phone this will be deleted immediately once I have listened to it.

7. Who I will share your information with:

7.1. In emergencies
In keeping with my confidentiality / safeguarding policy, if I feel you or your child are at risk of harm I may share your contact information with a safeguarding partner (e.g. Children/adults’ services) or emergency healthcare services (e.g. Mental Health Crisis Team, GP). This will wherever possible be done only with your consent. If I become aware you are / or are intending /at risk of causing harm to another person /organisation the law may require that I inform an authority without seeking your consent.

7.2. Data Sharing
As an Organisation who provides a service to a parent in respect of their child’s schooling, there may be times where you request that The Inclusion Advisor liaises with your child’s school or the Local Authority. I will only do this with your consent.

8. Erasing your information

8.1. When we have finished working with you or your child , we will erase electronic copies of your information and correspondence within 3 months. We will hold onto your written / electronic notes that are relevant to the therapy for up to 4 years. This is so we have a reference of you or your child’s work in situations such as you returning to our service at a later transition point. After this time, I will shred the written information and delete any files held on my computer.

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